11 feb 2011

MY AVONLEA_ Handmade & Vintage Loveliness letter from Alison

Alison Elane LoBasso, founder & indie designer for MyAvonlea.

"I am currently living in East TX with my darling husband and two precious children. He and I were born and raised along the salty coast of Florida and have know one another since middle school. We're saltwater fishers so while hubby catches fish I'm off collecting bait with my cast net. We make a beautiful team. We plan to return there soon now that we have two little extra sets of hands for carrying fishing equipment hee hee.

An artist has been birthing in me over the years. I was never considered the artistic one growing up except for my photography and after having my daughter Alaina Grace, we were painting together and I noticed I could paint. This entire world of creativity opened to me and I realized I can do anything I set my mind to. Since then I have dozens of ideas constantly streaming through my mind. From my daughters locks to the lullabies of raindrops to an abandoned house rotting away I see something so differently beautiful in each.

My inspiration for founding MyAvonlea was that financially I was going to have to start working and with my children still being toddlers my heart was so broken at the thought of someone else caring for them. I take the role of being a wife and mother as life's greatest honor. My family teaches me so much about God's heart and His merciful dealings with us everyday and I am so humbled to have such precious treasures in my life. I began praying for an alternative. With my photography plus the vintage clothing which I had began collecting both made a wonderful combination. I am still just starting off but am so grateful to work close to them.

My message is that there is so much wisdom in buying used, up-cylced, eco-friendly, and handmade items. We have a struggling economy and we are renowned for waste. Therefore buying used helps financially and eliminates waste. For instance I remove the shoulder pads of a dress and make fabric button earrings to match so I don't have to throw them away. There's so many little ways to turn trash into treasure. We are a thrifting and yard sale family and wear used proudly. I get nervous when buying new because of how many sweat shops exist for American apparel. The thought of that saddens me. Independent selling is so wonderful and such a blessing to me. I encourage any and everyone I can to challenge themselves to discover what interests them and what they can get involved in making or reselling on Etsy.
My message on vintage clothing is that American culture has become a horrible example for the young men and woman of our generation. Modesty and purity have been forgotten. There's nothing classy about the modern way to dress. There's way to much skin exposed and its dehumanizing. I appreciate how vintage clothing may offer some shapeliness but modest and covered shapeliness. Vintage helps restore that classy and refined beauty that we rarely see. Vintage to me is an art. Each piece that I find I take so seriously especially during the photo-shoots and descriptions that I may give it a true identity through vintage purity.

My day consists of waking and having long cuddles with my sweet peas, enjoying them through the day, passing down values and manners, guiding them through life lessons and around nap time I check my shop, edit my photo-shoots, and search for the perfect lyrics or poems to fit each dress for my description. Every time I am driving my mind is in photography mode where every spot is a possible location for my next photo-shoot. I have never lived in amazing places so I've learned to make the most no matter where I am and create something out of nothing. At night I do my listings and convos once they're asleep and my hubby and I have spent time together. Once my life slows down I hope to sell handmade soaps, open my own clothing line, grow in my art and photography, make my own shoes, learn Italian and 3 instruments, and have priceless knowledge and wisdom to pass down to my darlings. They already assist me in daily chores, cooking, and creating; they're almost two and four and they always want to be a part. I love it.

Creativity to me is about perspective. I don't see the glass half empty or half full but that in-between line where life is full of joys and sorrows and whats important for me is the attitude of my heart in either circumstance since they both will inevitably come. For instance, when I am making jewelry, if I mess up I don't throw it away and start over, I focus on how to recreate it into something else. Seeing everything from that light gives me so much room to always focus on the solution rather than the problem. Its such a great perspective for helping my children view life and very effective if I dare say. I create with my whole heart so when I say made with Love I deeply mean it so thank you for loving and supporting MyAvonlea.

I can be contacted at http://www.etsy.com/shop/myAvonlea from Etsy.com  
Email:  21Etsy@gmail.com 
Facebook @ MyAvonlea or Alison Elane Shook LoBasso."

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